
Cukrownia Kruszwica railway 2002 again

11:23, 10.06.2018

Views of the Kruszwica sugar factory railway taken on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 October 2002:

0:00 Lyd2 with a train consisting of large bogie wagons, empty, and smaller wagons loaded with pulp, probably between Leszcze and Jerzyce.

0:19 Various scenes at Piotrkow Kujawski.

6:17 Lyd2 with loaded beet train passing Glebokie, once the junction for the lines north to Walentynowo, etc. Note the building here - the line between Kruszwica and Piotrkow, although always owned by the sugar factory, had a public passenger service of one train per day each way in the 1920s. The factory's first line had been built in 1881 to 716mm gauge. During the First World War the Germans extended the line from Jerzyce through Piotrkow, Sompolno and Kolo to Dabie, and after the war the line south of Piotrkow was taken over by the new Polish state. This section was regauged to 750mm and the sugar factory's own lines were similarly regauged in 1923.

8:50 WLs150 with train of empty wagons heading for the factory, I think the location may be Jerzyce, and one of the wagons is either off the track or seriously damaged. This last shot shows what a poor state the railway was in, and it wasn't surprising that this was the last sugar beet campaign for this railway. Some of the locomotives survive in various places, and a number of wagons are now on the Rogow line.

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